Wolfburn Whisky: the wolf has grown up

Petra Milde |

The Thurso based distillery presents Wolfburn First General Release

The waiting for Wolfburn Single Malt Whisky has come to an end: Three years (and some weeks) have passed since production started at Wolfburn Distillery on 25 January 2013 and now the first bottles of the Wolfburn First General Release have been sold. They supplement the Wolfburn Inaugural Release, a limited special edition that had been sold in advance. European markets have already been supplied with the Wolfburn First General Release and a container has left for the US.

A revival up in the north of Scotland

The re-construction of the Wolfburn Distillery, just a few hundred meters from the former site of the 1821 built and between 1860 and 1870 closed first Wolfburn Distillery was due to two private investors. With Shane Fraser and Iain Kerr they hired two absolutely top staff members for the whisky production in the most northern distillery of the Scottish mainland. The new make they could elicit the copper stills of Wolfburn got lots of applause and respect among whisky experts. So the first Wolfburn Single Malt Whisky has been eagerly awaited.

A hint of smoke accompanies the Wolfburn First General Release

The whisky for this Wolfburn First General Release was matured in ex-bourbon casks. Some of them were quarters casks and the Laphroaig they had had hosted before has left aromatic traces of smoke. So this Wolfburn Whisky is not really a very peaty Single Malt but beneath its fruity and floral characteristics it presents hints of smoke.

The official tasting notes:

On the nose: Initially sweet with notes of fruit and fresh sea air. In the background you’ll find citrus freshness and hints of cereal, and just a trace of peat smoke.

On the palate: Sweet, nutty tones come to the fore, with hints of grapes and honey in the background. Floral flavours abound, enhanced with just a hint of coffee and dark chocolate. It is a lovely rounded whisky, which coats the palate to leave just a trace of peat.

About the author Petra Milde