Nine videos on choosing the right whisky

Horst Lüning presents nine videos on suitable gifts for special occasions or bottles to enjoy yourself, divided according to the price of the bottle and the smokiness of the whisky. If you don't know whether the recipient likes smoky whisky, you should rather go for the non-smoky ones.Video 1 - Whisky tastes are differentVideo 2 - Gifts for beginners and connoisseursVideo3 - Gift packagesVideo4 - Non-smoky up to 35 EURVideo5 - Non-smoky up to 50EUR Video6 - Non-smoky up to 100EUR Video7 - Smoky up to 35 EUR Video8 - Smoky up to 50 EUR Video9 - Smoky up to 100 EUR

Whisky tastes are different

Whiskies have a very wide spectrum of flavours. One likes this, the other that. So you can serve your preferences. But there are also no-go tastes for some. It is almost impossible to rule them out.

Gifts for beginners and connoisseurs

Eight single malt Scotch whiskies are particularly suitable for beginners or as gifts. They are among the best-selling at

Gift boxes:

Non-smoking up to 35 EUR:

Non-smoking up to 50 EUR:

Non-smoking up to 100 EUR:

Smoky up to 35 EUR:

Smoky up to 50 EUR:

Smoky up to 100 EUR: