Production at new distillery Edradour II started

Petra Milde |

Production process of origin Edradour Distillery copied to create identic new make

There have been tremendous construction works in the site of Edradour Distillery during the last months: Next to the “old” distillery a new one was erected to meet the strong and growing demand for Single Malt. Recently the German distributor announced that production at Edradour II now started. A video was posted on Facebook that starts watching the mashtun before showing a short panorama view of the production hall with the pot stills and washbacks. The video is public and can be watched without having a Facebook account, just follow this link.

Edradour to produce 200.000 liters annually

The pot stills of Edradour II are copies of the old Edradour stills and the new washbacks (up to six can be placed here) are made of Oregon pine. Both distilleries will work parallel. Annual production is planned to go up to 200.000 liters from 125.000 that can be assured today by producing six days a week. Now the distillery will return to a five days a week, starting with one shift a day. Maybe production will be increased in future – capacity of the new distillery will allow to go up to 500.000 liters.

New warehouses being built as well

In addition to the new distillery warehouses are being built so that 25.000 casks can be stored in future instead of 6.000 now. Not only Edradour Whisky and the peated Ballechin are matured here but also many casks with single malt of other distilleries. Before Andrew Symington took over Edradour from Pernod Ricard in 2002 he already had built up the independent bottler Signatory.

About the author Petra Milde