New whisky distillery of The Three Stills Company in the Lowlands on its way

Petra Milde |

With a funding of £10 million the start of construction is within reach

Financial basis for a new distillery in the Scottish Lowlands has been ensured now: The Three Stills Company (TTSC) possesses a capital of £10 million from a venture of private investors. With this funding TTSC is on a good way to start distilling in 2017 as it has been planned. Next year construction works of the distillery in Hawick/Borders will begin that in addition to production buildings will include a visitor center right from the beginning.

Location of the distillery in Hawick already ensured

An industrial site in Hawick has already been bought by the TTSC who’s foundation team consists of people being well-known in whisky business: George Tait, John Fordyce, Tim Carton und Tony Roberts had formerly worked at William Grant & Sons in senior positions. When they founded The Three Stills Company in 2013 they chose Hawick in the Borders because not only the supply with fresh water is guaranteed here. This region is as well one of the main barley producing ones in Scotland. For nearly 200 years no new distillery has been built up here – time to change this TTSC decided and increase the importance of the Lowlands as a whisky region.

Sources of income: spirit sales and Border tourism

Not long ago Annandale Distillery has started production again here in the Borders after a long time of inactivity and a complete rebuilding. Like Annandale the now new planned whisky distillery in Hawick regards the visitor center to be an important part of the distillery and counts on the interest of English tourists in distillery visits. As another source of income during the first years until whisky can be sold the production the sale of vodka and gin is planned. To tap new markets already TTSC has already started to sell a Scottish Blend named Clan Fraser blended from whiskies of other distilleries.

The name of the future Lowland whisky has not been published yet but the whisky's character will be light and aromatic as it is commonly known as “Lowland style”. Because of the name of the company The Three Stills more than a few whisky fans hope for triple distillation. As an independent consultant whisky expert Stewart Nicherson has been won who recently also opened his own Shetland Distillery Company.

About the author Petra Milde