New Glenrothes Soleo Collection revealed

Petra Milde |

No more vintages but bottlings with age statement instead: 10, 12, 18, 25 and 40 years old

There is a quite obvious trend: Many whisky producers say good-bye to their focus on bottlings without age statement and present new releases with a number on the label. The Edrington Company now announced to relaunch the range of The Glenrothes and turn towards single malts with an age statement. The new core range will consist of a Glenrothes 10 years, Glenrothes 12 years, Glenrothes 18 years, Glenrothes 25 years and Glenrothes 40 years. In addition, the Glenrothes Whisky Maker’s Cut will join them in this Soleo Collection showing no age statement but a higher alcohol content.

We must indeed admit that numbers never really got outdated at Glenrothes: beside several “Reserve Editions” Glenrothes especially has become famous because of its vintages. In combination of this vintage year and the bottling date you can easily work out the age of the whisky as for example for the Glenrothes Vintage 1995 or the Glenrothes Vintage 2001. But also these vintages will not be produced any longer and will disappear from the market by and by. The name of the new Glenrothes Solea Collection refers to the grapes that are pampered by the Andalusian sun. They result in Sherry which prepares the casks to host the Glenrothes whisky afterwards: Sherry casks are the heart of the new range that presents as follows:

  • 10 YEARS OLD (40% ABV) - matured in so called “sherry seasoned” oak casks and characterized by vanilla, shortbread and orange peel.
  • 12 YEARS OLD (40% ABV) – Sherry seasoned oak casks as well, but here a profile of vanilla, melon and cinnamon – the press release speaks of a classic house style.
  • WHISKY MAKER’S CUT (48.8% ABV) – no age statement, but a higher alcohol content instead. Only first fill sherry casks are used for maturation. This whisky is characterized by aromas of vanilla, orange peel and nutmeg.
  • 18 YEARS OLD (43% ABV) – a high amount of first fill sherry seasoned casks that deliver notes of vanilla, pears and fresh ginger.
  • 25 YEARS OLD (43% ABV) – a high amount of first fill sherry casks as well, but here the aromas are described as resembling salted caramel, mango and coriander seeds.
  • 40 YEARS OLD – we’ll have to wait for some details The typical bulbous bottle will be maintained but there will be a useful supplement of a little aroma map on each label to help characterizing the taste of the whisky.

Apart from the Glenrothes 40 Years Old that will be released in February 2019 the other editions of the Soleo Collection will enter the market this month the press release announces. We were told that already tomorrow the start of the new range will take place, accompanied by the launch of a new Glenrothes website!

About the author Petra Milde