More good news for Glenlivet

Petra Milde |

Best-selling single malt whisky of the world announces start of expansion works

It hasn’t been long since the last news from Chivas Brothers came up that their top brand The Glenlivet is now number one single malt whisky worldwide, regarding sales figures of 2014. With more than one million cases sold (nine liters make one case) Glenlivet could supersede William Grant&Sons’ Glenfiddich. While Grant’s famous brand had flat year-on-year volumes Glenlivet is proud of 7% growing sales figures. This is a remarkable result even though the figures loose a bit of their brilliance compared to the 30 million cases of the word wide best-selling whisky Officer’s Choice (as we reported here).

Growth figures upwards while other Scottish labels loose

With the positive sales figures of Glenlivet Chivas can compensate some losses their other whisky labels had to experience. Caused by the tense situation on the Asian market products like the blended whisky Royal Salut drew decreasing figures. It’s not only Chivas but all spirit companies who have to struggle with the drop of sales figures on some international markets. The Scottish whisky exports in total have decreased by 7%. So much the better are the actual results of Glenlivet to be noticed.

Kick-off of Glenlivet expansion

Laurant Lacassagne, chairman and CEO of Chivas Brothers emphasized that the efforts of the last five years to reinforce the top position of their label Glenlivet have actually reached another step: Chivas announced the start of expansion works. In December last year the Speyside distillery was granted official planning permission. New distillery buildings, pipe systems, tanks and other facilities more will enable Glenlivit to triple production volume. That’s a remarkable investment especially in view of the fact that just five years ago a new building with six new pot stills was opened and the production capacity was increased by 75%.

About the author Petra Milde