Heaven Hill makes Bernheim Distillery the biggest US Bourbon Distillery

Petra Milde |

$25 mio investment to increase production announced

The whisky boom is still rising and like Scottish distilleries the US spirit companies don’t stop increasing the Bourbon production. Heaven Hill Brands announced to spend $25 mio to make its Bernheim Distillery in Louisville, Kentucky, the biggest single site Bourbon distillery in the US. “Single site” means that every production step is done on the same site.

400.000 casks of Bourbon each year

At Bernheim Distillery where whiskey labels like Elijah Craig are produced, several additional furnishings will be installed as for example four new fermenters, a boiler and a distillation set of thumper and column. Storage will as well be upgraded as the operation software. When all will be finished Bernheim Distillery will produce about 400.000 barrels a year. In the moment there are 1.2 million barrels of Bourbon in Heaven Hill’s warehouses on different sites which is equivalent to 25% of the worldwide supply.

Demand is steadily increasing

Only last year Heaven Hill had spent $15.5 mio to expand the Bernheim Distillery and increase production by a third. But even regarding the actual expansion Max L. Shapira, President Max L. Shapira, is not sure if those investments will increase whiskey production enough to meet the demand of the future.

In connection with the announcement of these expansion plans Heaven Hill reports about the filling of a special commemorative barrel. It was signed by the employees and well-known locals. Furthermore Heaven Hill informed about a donation in the amount of $100.000 for the benefit of Dare to Care, a charity organization that supports hunger relief.

About the author Petra Milde