Glenrothes studies influence of music on taste of whisky

Petra Milde |

Special tastings in July announced

Is there an impact on the taste of a whisky if it is enjoyed while listening to swinging jazz music? Can music therefore be kind of tasted? Glenrothes wants to study these so called cross modal connections during a series of special whisky tastings. On 6, 13, 20 and 27 July 2016 there will be the possibility to taste three Glenrothes Vintage Single Malt Whiskies in the trendy jazz bar Kansas Smitty’s in East London while ears and soul will be showered with several sounds.

When music and whisky merge

Glenrothes was inspired to do experiments with whisky and music by a series of articles in the open access magazin Biomed Central that belongs to the German Springer Group since 2008. The articles deal with cross modal aspects regarding music and wine and point out astonishing effects. Amanda Baxter from Berry Bros&Rud said that pitch, tempo and melody have turned out to have remarkable impact on how the taste of wine was experienced by participants of studies. But nobody would have done such researches yet concerning spirits.

Jazz meets single malt

The music was selected by Giacomo Smith, one of eight founders of the Kansas Smitty‘s and himself clarinetist and saxophonist in the bar’s own jazz band. Originally born in Italy Smith grew up in the US state of New York. He discovered his passion for jazz at a very young age which he took along when he went to London. There with others he founded a jazz band and later on the bar Kansas Smitty’s. American jazz and Scottish Glenrothes Single Malt Whisky: let’s see – no, let’s hear, how this connection feels.

About the author Petra Milde