Dalmunach Distillery officially opened

Petra Milde |

The new Dalmunach Distillery is situated on the grounds of the old Imperial Distillery

Since October last year the stills of Dalmunach Distillery have already been working. Now the distillery, situated in the Scottish town of Carron at the banks of the River Spey, has been officially opened, too. Exalted names on the guest list point out the attention the distillery attracts on politicians. Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland, performed the act of the official opening and emphasized the economic importance of whisky for Scotland.

10 million litres of alcohol to flow from the Dalmunach stills annually

Dalmunach won’t remain the last new distillery to be opened in these years. Rosemary Gallagher from the Scotch Whisky Association said and talked about at least 30 distilleries being planned or being built. But Dalmunach is undoubtedly one of the biggest and most impressive one among them with an annual production capacity of 10 million litres. But only a small amount will be bottled as Single Malt Whisky, because the Chivas Brothers company knows how the demand on the international market has developed. Especially the worldwide high-demanded Blends Chivas Regal and Ballantine’s will profit from the prospective big supply with malt whisky from Dalmunach.

Latest technology, highest efficiency

Dalmunach produces on the area of the old Imperial Distillery, but the whole interiors and all buildings of the distillery that had had produced here from 1897 to 2012 had been totally removed before. Latest technology and a high degree of energy efficiency characterize the new Dalmunach Distillery with its core of eight copper stills. They are arranged in a circle and shaped like the once of the Imperial Distillery: wash stills like tulips, spirit stills like onions.

Chivas will go on making big investments

Chivas Brothers invested £25 million pound in building Dalmunach Distillery, and this is a quite big amount of their investigation program. They plan to invest £60 million pound annually in whisky production. Throughout the last three years Chivas Brothers, part of the French spirits-giant Pernod-Ricard, has increased its annual production of malt whisky by 17 percent - upward tendency!


Bild: Chivas Brothers

About the author Petra Milde