
Nutmeg, actually a seed of a fruit, comes from the nutmeg tree (Myristica fragrans) in Indonesia. It has many uses in the kitchen and is also found in traditional medicine. Rather rarely used in gin production, it is used in some New Western Dry Gins. With a warm, spicy, tart and slightly sweet aroma, it gives the gin a special note. Dosage starts at 0.05 kg/100 L, and it is best to use whole nutmegs for more intense flavour.


Nutmeg comes from the nutmeg tree (lat. Myristica fragrans). The word nutmeg comes from the word 'nux muscata' and means 'musk-scented nut'. Actually, the nutmeg is not a nut, but a seed of a fruit.

Use of nutmeg

Nutmeg is mainly used in the kitchen. Its field of application is diverse and ranges from vegetable dishes to meat to many soups and sauces.

Nutmeg is still used in traditional medicine today. However, its first use is disputed. It used to be believed that the Egyptians were the first to use nutmeg as a medicine. However, this has proven to be false.

The nut was also used as an intoxicating drug, but has no effect in small quantities and causes nausea and vomiting when the quantity is increased. Thus, it could not become a popular drug.

In the perfume industry, it only plays a role in bitter men's perfumes.


In the production of gin, nutmeg is a rather rare spice, as it does not fit the role of a classic gin. However, with the advent of New Western Dry Gins, it is used in a few gins.

Growth area and origin

The nutmeg tree originates from Indonesia and the plant is mainly cultivated in Asia and South America. The main producers are currently India, Indonesia and other South Asian countries.

Dosing and distillation

The use of nutmeg starts at 0.05kg per 100L. As its aroma is very volatile, whole nutmegs should be used instead of powder. These are then broken and crushed directly before use.

Taste influence on the gin

Nutmeg is very spicy and gives the gin a tart, strong aroma. The spicy flavour is not directly hot and spicy like pepper, but rather warm and spicy and earthy. A very slight sweetness accompanies the taste.

Gins with nutmeg

Hayman's London Dry Gin
Hayman's London Dry Gin
0,7/ l · incl.  VAT
Illusionist Dry Gin
Illusionist Dry Gin
0,5/ l · incl.  VAT
Illusionist Dry Gin in gift box
Illusionist Dry Gin in gift box
0,5/ l · incl.  VAT