
Aniseed, botanically Pimpinella anisum, is an aromatic spice and is distilled for drinks such as raki, ouzo and sambuca. It is used in baked goods, desserts and medicines. Anise seeds are similar to fennel seeds. In gin production, the dosage starts at 0.05kg/100L. Aniseed adds freshness, spice and sweetness to gin. Its taste varies depending on the combination with other spices. It produces aromas of wood, pepper and liquorice. The origin lies in the eastern Mediterranean region, today it is cultivated worldwide.


The plant is also known as Pimpinella anisum. The whole anise plant is very aromatic! Anise seeds are very similar to fennel seeds and can be used in many recipes.

Use of the anis

One of the main uses is the distillation of spirits such as raki, ouzo and sambuca. These are so popular that they are national drinks in several Balkan countries.

Aniseed is also popular in the baking and dessert industries. Besides sweets and biscuits, there are also sugared spreads with aniseed flavour.

Aniseed has been used extensively in both perfumery and medicine. As a remedy, it is used as an expectorant, antispasmodic and digestive aid. As a home remedy, it often complements fennel and caraway mixtures in medicinal teas.

Growth area and origin

The plant originates from the eastern Mediterranean region and is now cultivated worldwide in temperate climates.

Dosing and distillation

The dosage of aniseed in gin starts at 0.05kg/100L. It is interesting that the intensity of the aniseed flavour depends very much on the combination with other spices. While a mixture with pepper produces a rather tart, woody flavour, a combination with liquorice intensifies the sweetness in the gin. Therefore, the addition of aniseed must always be well balanced in test recipes! It should be noted that aniseed is only half as intense as star anise.

For comparison, the dosage in raki. It is produced with 0.8-1.2kg/100L, whereby its aroma is specifically designed for the aniseed flavour.

Taste influence on the gin

Aniseed makes the gin very fresh, but also quite spicy and sweet. The woody and peppery qualities come from the combination with other spices. The taste is often described as strongly liquorice-like.

Gins with anise

Kaiza 5 Gin
Kaiza 5 Gin
0,5/ l · incl.  VAT